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Stage, platform, and blastzone size data

Rivals of Aether runs natively at 512×960px resolution. Throughout this document and site, these pixels are used as a unit of distance.

Stage Comparisons Copied to clipboard

Stage Width Copied to clipboard

Tempest PeakTreetop LodgeTroupple PondJulesvaleThe Spirit TreeAethereal GatesBlazing HideoutTower of HeavenThe Endless AbyssMerchant PortAir ArmadaThe Forest FloorTreetop Lodge (Doubles)Frozen FortressThe Rock WallFire CapitalThe Forest Floor (Doubles)

Width of the main stage ground, measured in pixels

Top Blastzone Copied to clipboard

The Spirit TreeAir ArmadaThe Forest FloorThe Forest Floor (Doubles)The Endless AbyssThe Rock WallJulesvaleBlazing HideoutMerchant PortTower of HeavenFrozen FortressTroupple PondAethereal GatesFire CapitalTreetop LodgeTreetop Lodge (Doubles)Tempest Peak

Distance from ground to top blastzone, measured in pixels

Side Blastzones Copied to clipboard

The Rock WallTreetop Lodge (Doubles)Air ArmadaTower of HeavenThe Forest FloorThe Forest Floor (Doubles)Frozen FortressMerchant PortJulesvaleThe Endless AbyssFire CapitalThe Spirit TreeTreetop LodgeAethereal GatesBlazing HideoutTroupple PondTempest Peak

Distance from ledge to side blastzone, measured in pixels

Bottom Blastzone Copied to clipboard

Treetop LodgeTreetop Lodge (Doubles)Aethereal GatesThe Forest FloorThe Forest Floor (Doubles)Blazing HideoutMerchant PortTower of HeavenThe Spirit TreeFrozen FortressJulesvaleThe Rock WallTempest PeakAir ArmadaTroupple PondThe Endless AbyssFire Capital

Distance from ledge to bottom blastzone, measured in pixels

Stage Details Copied to clipboard

Fire Capital Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
832 (Large)612 (Large)484 (Large)432 (Largest)192 / 96 / 96 / 192128 / 124 / 124 / 12864, 194, 514, 640154
Fire Capital Fire Capital

Air Armada Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthStage DepthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
688 (Average)162 (Unique)564 (Small)396 (Small)416 (Large)176 / 176192 / 192-4, 508198
Air Armada Air Armada

The Rock Wall Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
768 (Large)580 (Average)356 (Smallest)400 (Average)96 / 192 / 96 / 192128 / 128 / 128 / 128128, 128, 512, 512182
The Rock Wall The Rock Wall

Merchant Port Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
672 (Average)596 (Average)452 (Average)384 (Small)96 / 176 / 176 / 96112 / 80 / 80 / 11216, 214, 378, 544182
Merchant Port Merchant Port

Treetop Lodge Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
512 (Smallest)612 (Large)484 (Large)368 (Smallest)96 / 162192 / 1924, 320150
Treetop Lodge Treetop Lodge

Treetop Lodge (Doubles) Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
704 (Average)612 (Large)388 (Small)368 (Smallest)96 / 192 / 162192 / 112 / 192100, 136, 416150
Treetop Lodge (Doubles) Treetop Lodge (Doubles)

Blazing Hideout Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightPlatform WidthPlatformCamera Offset
640 (Average)596 (Average)500 (Large)384 (Small)128384128166
Blazing Hideout Blazing Hideout

Tempest Peak Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
512 (Smallest)628 (Largest)536 (Largest)400 (Average)32 / 96 / 96 / 32124 / 124 / 124 / 124-174, 66, 322, 562182
Tempest Peak Tempest Peak

Frozen Fortress Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
768 (Large)600 (Average)442 (Average)396 (Average)192 / 96 / 192162 / 154 / 16294, 308, 512150
Frozen Fortress Frozen Fortress

Tower of Heaven Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
640 (Average)596 (Average)420 (Average)384 (Small)96 / 192 / 96128 / 128 / 12864, 256, 448166
Tower of Heaven Tower of Heaven

Aethereal Gates Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
640 (Average)612 (Large)500 (Large)376 (Small)112 / 112162 / 16236-164, 324-452182
Aethereal Gates Aethereal Gates

The Endless Abyss Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzoneCamera Offset
672 (Average)570 (Small)464 (Average)432 (Largest)182
The Endless Abyss The Endless Abyss

The Spirit Tree Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
576 (Small)556 (Smallest)484 (Large)392 (Average)82 / 82192 / 192-96, 480187
The Spirit Tree The Spirit Tree

The Forest Floor Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
704 (Average)564 (Small)440 (Average)376 (Small)96 / 96120 / 12092, 492138
The Forest Floor The Forest Floor

The Forest Floor (Doubles) Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
896 (Largest)564 (Small)440 (Average)376 (Small)96 / 192 / 96 / 192 / 96120 / 120 / 128 / 120 / 1200, 192, 384, 576, 768138
The Forest Floor (Doubles) The Forest Floor (Doubles)

Julesvale Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
576 (Small)590 (Average)460 (Average)400 (Average)96 / 192192 / 96-96-480, -96-576154
Julesvale Julesvale

Troupple Pond Copied to clipboard

Stage WidthTop BlastzoneSide BlastzonesBottom BlastzonePlatform HeightsPlatform WidthsPlatform PositionsCamera Offset
512 (Smallest)600 (Average)500 (Large)416 (Large)96 / 192 / 96192 / 192 / 192-96, 164, 418182
Troupple Pond Troupple Pond