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Frame data, knockback, and character terminology.

Rivals of Aether runs at 60 frames per second, and natively at 512×960px resolution. Throughout this document and site, these frames and pixels are used as units of time and distance, respectively.

Frame Data Copied to clipboard

All attacks are composed of three main sections: startup, active, and endlag frames.

Startup Copied to clipboard

The number of frames between inputting an attack and the first hitbox becoming active. Attacks with low startup are referred to as “fast,” since they are active quickly after being inputted, while attacks with high startup are referred to as “slow.”

Active Copied to clipboard

The window in which an attack has a hitbox, dealing damage and knockback. Some attacks have multiple hitboxes, each with their own active windows that may or may not overlap with each other, or leave gaps of time between.

Endlag Copied to clipboard

The number of frames between the last frame that an attack has an active hitbox and the first frame the character can perform other actions again (commonly referred to as “First Actionable Frame,” or FAF).

All attacks besides most jabs and specials have separate endlag values for if the attack hit or whiffed, generally 1.5× the amount on whiff vs. on hit. Listed as “Hit / Whiff” on character pages.

Landing Lag Copied to clipboard

A special endlag value that is incurred if the character lands during the startup, active, or endlag frames of an aerial attack (Neutral Air, Forward Air, Back Air, Up Air, or Down Air). Landing during the last 5 frames of endlag will autocancel into the character’s land time (4 or 6 frames) instead.

Like with endlag, all aerials have separate landing lag values for if the attack hit or whiffed, generally 1.5× the amount on whiff vs. on hit. Listed as “Hit / Whiff” on character pages.

On hit, the last 5 frames of landing lag are cancellable into jumpsquat, allowing you to become airborne on the same frame you would normally be actionable. Learn more about this mechanic..

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Cancellable Copied to clipboard

A number of attacks have different ways in which you can cancel it early, either preventing further active frames or cancelling part of, if not all of, endlag. The most common methods of cancelling an attack is a regular cancel, commonly input as a parry or a second special input, or cancelling into another attack/action (jump, walljump, airdodge) after a certain amount of time (see: Zetterburn Down Special).

Some attacks are only cancellable on hit, such as Kragg Dash Attack being cancellable into jabs and tilts, and his Side Special being cancellable into jump on hit. Ori Sweetspot Dash Attack automatically cancels into an actionable state on hit.

Attacks with a listed “IASA” (Interruptable As Soon As) cancel window can be cancelled into nearly any action.

Intangible Copied to clipboard

Intangible frames are those in which a character does not have a hurtbox, effectively making them invincible for that period of time.

Attacks with intangibility frames often have their startup and endlag frames listed relative to these frames as an extension of the “active” window.

Projectile Invuln. Copied to clipboard

Certain attacks or objects have invulnerability to projectiles, in which case they still have a hurtbox and can be hit by all physical attacks.

Cooldown Copied to clipboard

The amount of frames before an attack is usable again, extending past endlag when the character is otherwise fully actionable. Most commonly found on special attacks, and sometimes accompanied by a display indicator on the character’s HUD.

In-game screenshot of the HUD cooldown indicators for Forsburn’s Clone, Clairen’s Plasma Field, Olympia’s Crystal, Pomme’s Song Field, and Wrastor’s Slipstream

Knockback Data Copied to clipboard

Damage Copied to clipboard

The amount of % that an hitbox deals. The amount of % a character has after being dealt this damage influences knockback, hitstun, and hitpause.

Angle Copied to clipboard

The base launch angle at which a hitbox sends its target flying, with 0° being straight horizontally in the direction the attacker is facing and 90° being straight upwards.

Attacks listed as having a 361° angle, known as the “Sakurai Angle,” have a special property. Moves with this angle send grounded opponents at a 40° angle, and aerial opponents at a 45° angle.

Angle Flippers Copied to clipboard

A value that determines if and how the base launch angle is affected by the relative positioning of the two characters. Let’s run through the definitions of all 10, plus some notable examples:

  • 0: Sends at the exact knockback angle every time.
  • 1: Sends away from the center of the attacker or projectile.
  • 2: Sends toward the center of the attacker or projectile.
  • 3: Horizontal knockback sends away from the center of the hitbox.
  • 4: Horizontal knockback sends toward the center of the hitbox.
  • 5: Horizontal knockback is reversed.
  • 6: Horizontal knockback sends away from the center of the attacker or projectile.
  • 7: Horizontal knockback sends toward the center of the attacker or projectile.
  • 8: Sends away from the center of the hitbox.
  • 9: Sends toward the center of the hitbox.
  • 10: Sends in the direction the attacker is moving.

Knockback Copied to clipboard

The initial speed at which a hitbox sends its target flying, measured in pixels per frame. Calculated by the following formula:

Base_Knockback + (Knockback_Scaling × Percent_After_Hit × Knockback_Adjust × 0.12)

  • Base Knockback and Knockback Scaling are hitbox properties.
    • Listed as “Base | Scaling” on character pages.
  • Percent After Hit is represented as an integer for the formula, eg. 50% 50.
  • Knockback Adjust is the basic weight stat of the character being attacked.

Hitstun Copied to clipboard

The number of frames a character is stunned, unable to perform basic actions, after being hit by an attack. Calculated by the following formula:

Hitstun_Multiplier × ((Base_Knockback × (Knockback_Adjust × 2.4 + 1.6)) + (Knockback_Scaling × Percent_After_Hit × Knockback_Adjust × 0.312))

  • Hitstun Multiplier, Base Knockback, and Knockback Scaling are hitbox properties.
    • Listed as “Multiplier ×” and “Base | Scaling” on character pages.
    • The vast majority of hitboxes have a Hitstun Multiplier of 1.
  • Percent After Hit is represented as an integer for the formula, eg. 50% 50.
  • Knockback Adjust is the basic weight stat of the character being attacked.
  • Final value is rounded up to the nearest integer.

Tumble Copied to clipboard

After hitpause, characters enter a state called tumble. Tumble can be cancelled by any action or a hard press in any direction, other than holding dodge which results in a tech.

Hitpause Copied to clipboard

The number of frames that both characters experience a pause/freeze-frame effect when a hitbox connects. Calculated by the following formula:

Base_Hitpause + (Hitpause_Scaling × Percent_After_Hit × 0.05) + Extra_Hitpause

  • Base Hitpause, Hitpause Scaling, and Extra Hitpause are hitbox properties.
    • Listed as “Base | Scaling + Extra” on character pages.
    • The vast majority of hitboxes do not have Extra Hitpause.
  • Percent After Hit is represented as an integer for the formula, eg. 50% 50.
  • Final value is rounded up to the nearest integer.

If the game calculates that the attacked character will be KO’d on all even angled DI possibilities (not accounting for possible ledge techs or interference from other hitboxes/objects), a “galaxy” effect will play, locking that hit into 20 frames of hitpause.

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Force Flinch Copied to clipboard

Unique property which changes how characters react to attacks. Flinch replaces hitstun if the knockback applied is too low to lift a character off the ground. Force flinch values can prevent hits from lifting characters off the ground at any percent, make them unable to cause the flinch state even if the attack is crouch cancelled, or cause them to be crouch cancelllable at any percent.

  • 1: Forces the flinch state, unless the attack is crouch cancelled.
  • 2: Cannot cause flinch, even if crouch cancelled.
  • 3: Can always be crouch cancelled, regardless of percent.

ASDI Modifier Copied to clipboard

Modifier of the default 10 pixels you are able to travel during hitpause with ASDI.

Hit Lockout Copied to clipboard

Amount of frames after hitpause ends in which a character cannot be hit again. This value is mostly used on kill moves for characters who have projectiles that may interfere with their opponents’ knockback.

Untechable Copied to clipboard

A property that prevents a character from being able to tech on the ground when hit. Etalus Up Air has a unique untechable property that prevents characters from being able to land on a platform during hitstun. Zetterburn and Shovel Knight have untechable attacks that force the grounded missed tech state on their opponent.

Priority Copied to clipboard

If multiple hitboxes collide with a target on the same frame, the target will be hit by the hitbox with the higher priority value. This is relevant on attacks with multiple hitboxes that are active at the same time.

Effective Weight Copied to clipboard

Knockback Adjust Copied to clipboard

The standard “weight” stat. Dictates how far an attack hits a character by functioning as a multiplier in the knockback and hitstun formulas.

WrastorOriMaypulAbsaPommeRannoZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloOrcaneOlympiaSylvanosShovel KnightEtalusHodanKraggEllianaShovel Knight (Momentum Mail)

Etalus Ice Armor applies a multiplier of 0.7× to the final values of the knockback and hitstun formulas directly rather than altering Knockback Adjust.

Air Friction Copied to clipboard

Affects horizontal speed and mitigates knockback horizontally during hitstun (slows movement through the air after a hit). Also affects Drift DI. Higher stat = better horizontal survivability.

ClairenMolloRannoOriZetterburnForsburnEtalusHodanKraggAbsaPommeShovel KnightOlympiaWrastorEllianaMaypulSylvanosOrcane

Measured in pixels per frame per frame (Unconfirmed)

Hitstun Gravity Accel Copied to clipboard

Speed characters accelerate downwards due to gravity while in hitstun. Higher stat = better survivability off the top, worse low % survivability off the bottom (before Max Fall Speed is reached).

WrastorAbsaEllianaPommeZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloOrcaneEtalusRannoMaypulOriShovel KnightSylvanosOlympiaHodanKraggEtalus (Ice Armored)

Measured in pixels per frame per frame

Max Fall Speed Copied to clipboard

Maximum falling velocity without fastfall. Can be superceded by knockback, at which point Hitstun Gravity Accel stops increasing speed.

WrastorAbsaPommeOrcaneEllianaZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloRannoMaypulOriShovel KnightEtalusHodanKraggSylvanosOlympiaEtalus (Ice Armored)

Measured in pixels per frame

Grounded Movement Copied to clipboard

Initial Dash / Run Copied to clipboard

Upon initiating a dash (for >1 frame), characters will first be locked into Initial Dash. Initial dash’s full duration will play out even if the movement stick/key is released, unless the dash is cancelled by jump, dash attack, parry, a special attack, or a dash in the opposite direction (“Dash Dancing”).

If the dash is simply continued, characters will enter Run. Inputting the opposite direction while running instead results in a Run Turn. Run can also be cancelled with crouch, or simply stopped by releasing the movement stick/key.

Initial Dash Time Copied to clipboard

Number of frames a character’s initial dash lasts.

RannoOlympiaAbsaEllianaMaypulSylvanosShovel KnightOrcaneKraggZetterburnMolloEtalusHodanPommeOriForsburnClairenWrastor

Initial Dash Speed Copied to clipboard

Initial speed when starting a dash.

AbsaEtalusEtalus (On Ice)WrastorEllianaHodanKraggShovel KnightOlympiaZetterburnForsburnOrcanePommeMolloClairenRannoSylvanosWrastor (In Slipstream)OriMaypul

Measured in pixels per frame

Run Speed Copied to clipboard

Constant run velocity after initial dash.

EtalusOlympiaEtalus (On Ice)WrastorEllianaKraggForsburnHodanShovel KnightAbsaPommeZetterburnClairenMolloOrcaneOriRannoSylvanosWrastor (In Slipstream)Maypul

Measured in pixels per frame

Run Stop Time Copied to clipboard

Number of frames the run stop animation lasts after ending a run.

ZetterburnForsburnMolloOrcaneRannoKraggSylvanosWrastorAbsaPommeClairenEtalusHodanMaypulEllianaOriShovel KnightOlympiaShovel Knight (Momentum Mail)

Run Turn Time Copied to clipboard

Number of frames it takes each character to turn out of run.

Wrastor (In Slipstream)MolloRannoOlympiaZetterburnForsburnClairenKraggMaypulSylvanosWrastorAbsaPommeOriOrcaneEllianaEtalusHodanShovel KnightEtalus (On Ice)Shovel Knight (Momentum Mail)

Run Turn Accel Copied to clipboard

Slows characters down during turn around in run.

Etalus (On Ice)EtalusShovel Knight (Momentum Mail)KraggShovel KnightHodanClairenOlympiaEllianaZetterburnForsburnOrcaneWrastorAbsaPommeRannoMolloMaypulSylvanosOriWrastor (In Slipstream)

Measured in pixels per frame per frame

Walk Copied to clipboard

Walk Speed Copied to clipboard

Maximum velocity when walking.

OlympiaMolloOrcaneEtalusHodanKraggWrastorAbsaEllianaZetterburnForsburnPommeShovel KnightOriRannoClairenMaypulSylvanosWrastor (In Slipstream)

Measured in pixels per frame

Walk Accel Copied to clipboard

Acceleration when beginning to walk.

ForsburnMolloOrcaneEtalusRannoHodanWrastorAbsaEllianaPommeShovel KnightZetterburnClairenKraggOlympiaSylvanosWrastor (In Slipstream)MaypulOri

Measured in pixels per frame per frame

Walk Turn Time Copied to clipboard

Each character has a universal 6 frame walk turn animation.

Ground Friction Copied to clipboard

How much characters slow down at any point on the ground.

Etalus (On Ice)EtalusShovel Knight (Momentum Mail)OlympiaForsburnOrcaneZetterburnMolloKraggPommeHodanShovel KnightClairenWrastorAbsaEllianaRannoOriSylvanosMaypul

Measured in pixels per frame per frame (Unconfirmed)

Waveland Copied to clipboard

Waveland Time Copied to clipboard

Number of frames characters slide in the waveland animation.

AbsaPommeWrastorZetterburnForsburnClairenEtalusRannoHodanKraggMaypulSylvanosOlympiaEllianaOriShovel KnightMolloOrcaneEtalus (On Ice)

Waveland Friction Copied to clipboard

Replaces Ground Friction during wavelands.

EtalusAbsaPommeOrcaneShovel Knight (Momentum Mail)MaypulSylvanosOriOlympiaWrastorKraggRannoZetterburnHodanEllianaClairenShovel KnightForsburnMollo

Aerial Movement Copied to clipboard

Air Acceleration Copied to clipboard

A character’s aerial drift when holding left/right in the air while not in hitstun, until Max Air Speed is reached.

MaypulSylvanosOrcaneZetterburnForsburnMolloEtalusRannoHodanKraggOlympiaPommeOriShovel KnightClairenWrastorAbsaElliana

Measured in pixels per frame per frame

Max Air Speed Copied to clipboard

Maximum horizontal speed in the air while not in hitstun. Can be superceded by Max Jump Horizontal Speed.

RannoZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloOrcaneEtalusHodanKraggSylvanosOlympiaWrastorPommeMaypulAbsaEllianaShovel KnightWrastor (In Slipstream)Ori

Measured in pixels per frame

Max Jump Horizontal Speed Copied to clipboard

Maximum horizontal speed maintained when going from a grounded to aerial state. Can be faster than Max Air Speed stat. For example: Maypul has a Max Air Speed of 6, but a Max Jump Horizontal Speed of 8, so she can jump offstage faster than she can get back. Can be superceded by plat/ledgeboosting and certain moves.

RannoMolloZetterburnForsburnClairenEtalusHodanKraggOrcaneOlympiaOriShovel KnightMaypulSylvanosWrastorAbsaEllianaPomme

Measured in pixels per frame

Fullhop / Shorthop Copied to clipboard

Jumpsquat Copied to clipboard

When jumping off the ground, each character undergoes a universal 5 frame “Jumpsquat” animation before actually leaving the ground. Holding jump for these full 5 frames results in a Fullhop, while releasing jump sooner results in a Shorthop.

Shorthop Speed Copied to clipboard

Starting vertical velocity for a shorthop. Velocity goes down due to Gravity Acceleration.

WrastorAbsaPommeEllianaMaypulZetterburnForsburnClairenOrcaneOriShovel KnightMolloRannoOlympiaEtalusHodanKraggSylvanosEtalus (Ice Armored)

Measured in pixels per frame

Fullhop Speed Copied to clipboard

Starting vertical velocity for a fullhop. Velocity goes down due to Gravity Acceleration.

WrastorAbsaPommeOrcaneEllianaMolloMaypulOriZetterburnForsburnClairenShovel KnightEtalusRannoHodanEtalus (Ice Armored)KraggSylvanosOlympia

Measured in pixels per frame

Ranno’s Super Jump, performed by crouching into a fullhop, has a starting vertical velocity of 14.

Double Jump Speed Copied to clipboard

Starting vertical velocity for a double jump. Velocity goes down due to Gravity Acceleration.

AbsaEllianaWrastorPommeMolloZetterburnForsburnClairenShovel KnightMaypulOriOlympiaOrcaneEtalusRannoHodanKraggSylvanosEtalus (Ice Armored)

Measured in pixels per frame

Absa’s -1 value means she dips during the start of her double jump. She has a separate, unique Double Jump Acceleration stat with a value of -1.4 pixels per frame per frame which accelerates her upwards.

Wrastor’s triple and quadruple jumps have starting vertical velocities of 7 and 6, respectively. Mollo’s triple jump has a speed of 7.5.

Gravity Acceleration Copied to clipboard

Speed characters accelerate downwards due to gravity while not in hitstun, until Max Fall Speed is reached.

WrastorAbsaPommeEllianaRannoZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloOrcaneMaypulOriShovel KnightEtalusHodanKraggSylvanosEtalus (Ice Armored)Olympia

Measured in pixels per frame per frame

Fastfall Speed Copied to clipboard

Constant falling velocity in fastfall.

WrastorEllianaOrcaneAbsaPommeClairenRannoShovel KnightZetterburnForsburnMolloEtalusMaypulOriHodanKraggSylvanosOlympia

Measured in pixels per frame

Land Time Copied to clipboard

Default amount of landing lag frames incurred when a character lands from the air onto the ground or a platform.

ZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloOrcaneRannoMaypulWrastorAbsaPommeOriShovel KnightEtalusHodanKraggSylvanosOlympiaElliana

Pratfall Copied to clipboard

An airborne state a character can enter in which they are unable to act, most commonly entered by using a recovery move or being parried. Also referred to as special fall or freefall. Can be cancelled with walljump.

Pratfall Adjust Copied to clipboard

Multiplier to Air Acceleration that restricts or improves horizontal control during pratfall.

WrastorAbsaOriRannoKraggClairenHodanOrcaneZetterburnForsburnEtalusMaypulOlympiaEllianaPommeMolloShovel KnightSylvanos

Pratfall Land Time Copied to clipboard

Number of frames characters are unable to act after landing from pratfall. Specific moves or circumstances may result in this value increasing or decreasing.

ZetterburnEtalusRannoOrcaneClairenMolloMaypulOriHodanKraggOlympiaSylvanosForsburnAbsaPommeEllianaShovel KnightWrastor

Walljump Copied to clipboard

Vertical Walljump Speed Copied to clipboard

Starting vertical velocity for a walljump.

AbsaZetterburnForsburnMolloOrcaneEtalusRannoKraggOlympiaWrastorEllianaPommeOriClairenHodanSylvanosShovel KnightMaypul

Measured in pixels per frame

Horizontal Walljump Speed Copied to clipboard

Starting horizontal velocity for a walljump.

MaypulClairenPommeOriShovel KnightMolloHodanSylvanosWrastorAbsaZetterburnForsburnOrcaneEtalusRannoKraggOlympiaElliana

Measured in pixels per frame

Wallcling Copied to clipboard

Maypul and Ori are able to wallcling, holding their position on the wall for up to 60 frames before walljumping.

Dodges Copied to clipboard

All characters share the same universal dodge frame data. However, the travel speed of rolls and airdodge vary across the cast, affecting distance.

Parry Copied to clipboard


A successful parry always grants 40 frames of invulnerability, and can inflict standard parry stun, extended parry stun, or no parry stun on the attacker. Standard parry stun is 40 frames, while extended parry stun adds onto this based on the distance between the two characters when the parry occurred. Extended parry stun a minimum of 60 frames (20 frames more than default) over distances less than 150px away and a maximum of 100 frames for characters further than 600px away. If a character is parried when they are not currently in an attacking state a further 10 frames of parry stun will also be applied.

Parry stun only begins once the parried character has completed endlag and/or landed, and can be increased to include relevant landing lag.

Airdodge Copied to clipboard

23-141227Only usable once per airtime.

Airdodge Speed Copied to clipboard

Constant velocity during airdodge.

ZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloOrcaneEtalusHodanKraggOlympiaWrastorPommeShovel KnightRannoMaypulSylvanosAbsaEllianaOri

Measured in pixels per frame

Roll Copied to clipboard

Roll Speed Copied to clipboard

Constant horizontal velocity during roll.

PommeOlympiaZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloEtalusHodanKraggEllianaShovel KnightWrastorAbsaOrcaneRannoMaypulOriSylvanos

Measured in pixels per frame

Roll Body Distance Copied to clipboard

Distance between starting point and nearest point of character’s hurtbox after roll. Not an inherent character property, but rather the result of Roll Speed and idle hurtbox width.

PommeEtalusEllianaOlympiaHodanKraggZetterburnForsburnClairenMolloShovel KnightOrcaneAbsaMaypulWrastorOriSylvanosRanno

Measured in pixels

Teching Copied to clipboard

Pressing dodge within 20 frames before colliding with a surface while in histun or tumble results in a tech. Teching out of tumble requires the dodge button to be held, as releasing it results in an airdodge instead. Holding left or right when teching on the ground results in a tech roll in that direction.

Tech In Place1-14419
Tech Roll1-201435
Missed (Hitstun)1314
Missed (Tumble)78
Wall Tech1-1512Airdodge/Jump: 4-11
Ceiling Tech1-1512IASA: 1-19

All dodge presses that don’t result in a successful tech within the 20 frame window begin a 20 frame tech “lockout” afterwards during which teching is not possible.

Tech Roll Speed Copied to clipboard

Constant horizontal velocity during tech roll.

ClairenMaypulWrastorAbsaForsburnOrcaneEllianaOriShovel KnightZetterburnRannoHodanKraggOlympiaPommeMolloEtalusSylvanos

Measured in pixels per frame

Tech Roll Body Distance Copied to clipboard

Distance between starting point and nearest point of character’s hurtbox after tech roll. Not an inherent character property, but rather the result of Tech Roll Speed and idle hurtbox width.

MaypulEllianaClairenWrastorAbsaOrcaneOriForsburnShovel KnightHodanKraggEtalusZetterburnRannoOlympiaPommeSylvanosMollo

Measured in pixels